City Council To Appoint Mayor Dec. 29

After interviewing candidates next Wednesday and Thursday (Dec. 27-28), the Glenwood City Council intends to appoint a new mayor at a special meeting on Friday, Dec. 29., at 5:30 p.m., at Glenwood City Hall.

Eligible city residents wanting to be considered for appointment should submit a request in writing or email to the city clerk’s office by noon on Dec. 27.

The appointment will fill the vacancy created by the resignation of former Mayor Ron Kohn last month. Kohn resigned for personal health reasons.

Glenwood City Administrator Amber Farnan told council members multiple city residents have already expressed interest in filling the mayoral post.

All existing council members in addition to Christina Duran and Natalie McEwen, who will join the council on Jan. 1, will have the opportunity to take part in the interviews.

The public does have the right to petition for a special election for 14 days from today (date of published announcement to make a mayoral appointment) and for 14 days following the actual  appointment. At least 104 valid signatures would need to be on the petition calling for an election to take place.

The Dec. 29 appointment will become effective immediately.  The appointed mayor’s term in office will expire on Dec. 31, 2025.

The Opinion-Tribune

116 S Walnut St Glenwood, IA 51534-1665
P.O. Box 377, Red Oak, IA 51566
Phone: 712-527-3191
Phone: 712-623-2566
Fax: 712-527-3193

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