June 2018
Opinion Tribune 06/27/2018
Aquatic Center Reopens; Repairs Being Monitored
The Glenwood Aquatic Center reopened Friday after a four-day shutdown for repairs to stop the loss of water.
County Sets Public Hearing For Glen Haven Village Loan Guarantee
Proponents of the Glen Haven Village project are hopeful that a public hearing next month will be one of the final hurdles to clear before construction can commence on a new nursing care and rehab
Fireworks - Booming Business
Two Glenwood organizations are hoping to create a big boom at the cash register this week with the sale of fireworks.
Return To Little Sioux
Mason Flora has a tattoo just above his heart.
It features the date June 11, 2008, and a tornado, inked like a merit badge one might see on a Boy Scout sash.
School District Giving $150,000 To Trails Group
The Glenwood Community School District is giving $150,000 to a group planning to build a series of walking trails in Mills County.
Billy and a Beer?
Billy McGuigan fans might be allowed to legally drink more than soda pop and lemonade at next month’s concert at the Davies Amphitheater.
AIM Heartland Developers Conference (HDC)
AIM Heartland Developers Conference (HDC)
REGISTRATION LINK: careerlink.com/hdc/register
DATES: September 5-7, 2018, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.