August 2014
Opinion Tribune 08/27/2014
Earth Lodge's Future In Jeopardy
The future of the Glenwood American Indian Earth Lodge, located across the street from the main entrance to Glenwood Lake Park, is in doubt.
Looking Like A No-win Situation For East Mills
In 2007, I thought the consolidation of the Malvern and Nishna Valley school districts into one East Mills Community School District was a good idea.I don’t feel that way anymore.As an outsider loo
Mills County Sheriff Reports 8/27/14
Aug. 19 – Cynthia Kayl of Glenwood reported a burglary.
Aug. 19 – David Weber of Glenwood reported a trespass and criminal mischief.
Glenwood Senior Center 8.27.14
Located at 20 No. Vine St., Glenwood
Open Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., Sat. 8 - 11 a.m.
Exercise Classes (6 weeks): Tuesday and Thursday, 10 - 11 a.m.
Opinion-Tribune Bringing Abraham Lincoln Impersonator, Civil War Encampment To Glenwood Saturday
As Glenwood celebrates its heritage this weekend with the annual Keg Creek Days, The Opinion-Tribune will participate by adding two major components of the era in which the newspaper was founded:
East Mills working with DNR on lagoon issue
East Mills School District officials say a lagoon located on the elementary school campus near Hastings poses no health concerns for students or staff but the district will comply with an Iowa Dep