Mills Masquers To Audition For Summer Production
The Mills Masquers will be presenting "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum" as their 2016 Summer Musical.
The diverse cast requires singers, dancers and comedians aged 13 and up. "Forum" is a bawdy musical set in ancient Rome that follows a slave named Pseudolous as he does whatever necessary to gain his freedom.
Seven men, eight women and many extras are needed for this madcap romp directed by Craig Florian and Sonya Cap. People interested in being in the show should be prepared to sing, dance and read short scenes from the script. Auditions will be held at the Barton-Rowe Theater north of Glenwood on Sunday, May 15th and Monday, May 16th. Audition time for both nights will be at 7 p.m. and the show runs July 29 -0 Aug. 7. Don't miss the comedy event of the season! After nearly 40 years, the Mills Masquers are still making memories that last a lifetime. Come on out and join us!